IAEA was completed Artemis mission

Czech Republic has created a solid base for the further development of the Czech radioactive waste management system

01. November 2023

An international team of experts confirms that the Czech Republic has created a solid base for the further development of the Czech radioactive waste management system

The Czech Republic has created a solid base for the safe and responsible management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel concluded an expert team from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which recently completed an ARTEMIS mission to the Czech Republic. The assessment team provided several recommendations to the government of the Czech Republic with concern particularly to the area of the planning of new nuclear sources and the inclusion thereof in updates to the State Energy Concept. In addition, the assessment team highlighted adherence to good practice in terms of the implementation of the Czech safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel strategy. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to publish the final report on its mission to the Czech Republic early next year.

“The Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO) very much appreciates the professional discussions it held with the International Atomic Energy Agency experts. We are pleased that the Agency has confirmed that we manage the Czech Republic’s radioactive waste both safely and responsibly. All the organisations involved in ensuring the safety of radioactive waste disposal demonstrated a high level of professionalism during the assessment process,” stated the managing director of the Czech Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SÚRAO), Lukáš Vondrovic.

The International Atomic Energy Agency assessment team, led by Sylvie Voinis from the French organisation ANDRA, concluded its ten-day mission to the Czech Republic on Wednesday 25 October. The expert review of the national radioactive waste management programme was requested by the Czech government via the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2018 aimed at supporting the Czech Republic’s objective of meeting all its EU commitments regarding the independent review of national frameworks and programmes concerning the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. The ARTEMIS mission followed up on the findings of an earlier inspection mission on the regulatory framework (the so-called IRRS mission), details of which were provided in May by the State Office for Nuclear Safety on its web pages. The ARTEMIS mission assessment team comprised six leading experts from France, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom, as well as technical support specialists from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Artemis team also included an observer from the European Commission.


“The Czech Republic has put in place many of the important tools with respect to the safe management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel,” stated Sylvie Voinis, adding: “According to the results of this mission, the Czech Republic is in a strong position to continue to meet high standards of safety concerning the management of the country’s radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.”

Presentations and discussion sessions were held during the mission between the Artemis team and experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, SÚRAO, the State Office for Nuclear Safety, ČEZ, a.s. and ÚJV Řež, a.s. The mission also included a professional excursion to the SÚRAO-managed Richard radioactive waste repository near the town of Litoměřice.

“On behalf of the Czech party, we highly appreciate the professional approach adopted by the Artemis experts and extend our gratitude for the intensive discussions we had. The Agency’s recommendations will help us to improve the radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management system, which forms an essential component of the overall nuclear programme in the Czech Republic. We are convinced that we are on the right track to continue to improve our plans, including the development of the deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste,” stated Deputy Chief Director of the Energy and Nuclear Resources Section of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Tomáš Ehler.

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